treatment is a form of acupuncture in which the benefits of acupuncture
needles are applied by a device that generates electric pulses. The device
adjusts the frequency and intensity of the impulse being delivered. Sometimes
acupressure, massage or even medicine can't dispurse blockage of energy,
blood and muscle but this treatment deeply stimulates internally to release
stagnation of energy and blood.
It can be used to treat chronic pain syndromes; neurophysiological pain
(neck,shoulder, lower back, sciatic pain), musculoskeletal trauma, muscle
dysfunction, tendonitis, spasms, sprains, and knee pain, etc. Some people
afraid of traditional acupuncture and needles so needle-free electro-acupen
or laser acupuncture can be applied to the meridian points instead. It
provides the same beneficial affects as traditional acupuncture.
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